Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Training Tips and schedules: some links
You can input your race type and date and it works backwards and gives you the schedule. See also
Here is a fantastic all encompassing site for ultra runners

Schedules differ from person to person in detail but what is common are long runs back-back on the weekends and at least one 4h+ run about 4w before the event.
Don't let the schedules and the term Ultra scare you. This 50K is no tougher than a marathon. In fact it is easier since you can walk the whole damn thing if needed. I once got injured in a 50K race after 20K and walked the rest of the 30K to still finish in about 7.5h!
In Bangalore we will schedule training runs to help you (and us) prepare for the Bangalore Ultra.
Here are some nice words by Karl King-I can relate only to the first three statements...
"When my longest run was 13 miles, a marathon seemed nearly impossible.
When my longest run was 26 miles, 50 miles seemed nearly impossible.
When my longest run was 50 miles, 100 miles seemed nearly impossible.
When my longest run was 100 miles, 50 miles seemed like a nice, long training run."

Don't let the distance scare you; run from aid station to aid station and the distance will take care of itself.

About Me

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Inspired by: poetry (Keats, Aurobindo), philosophy (Spinoza, Voltaire, Carl Sagan, Aurobindo, Ayn Rand), Long distance running (Scott Jurec, Ann Trason), Tennis (Roger Federer, Pete Sampras), Music, Sculpture (Michelangelo, Praxiteles), Art (Classicism, Renaissance), Ballet (La Bayadere, Coppelia, Swan Lake, Angel Corella, Michael Flately, Grupo Corpo), Literature (Shakespeare, Wodehouse, Hugo, Eco, Ayn Rand)